Was a bit serendipitous to meet someone in Mexico City two weeks ago who is also working on building a network of self-reliant communities-- and he is doing it in the Riviera Maya region of Mexico. You may remember this is one region I was already considering for my own project. And what's more, he has certain resort owners who grow their own food at these eco-retreats already on board...
He and I will be discussing potential collaborations next week.
Also recently talked to a woman I've known for several years who has run this type of property in Chile-- she is now focusing on the educational side of self-sufficient properties as a revenue source. She wants her property to be a grounds for experimental agriculture to restore the land and produce more.
Finally, this Friday I'll be recording a call with a man who does emergency preparedness and logistics for large corporations. This will be released exclusively to members the following week.
While his expertise is in helping corporations avoid disruption, I know he will provide tremendous insights to those of us who worry about security in a world where civil order breaks down.
Lots of exciting connections, and tons of good information coming down the pipeline. Stay tuned!
Thanks for your support.
I'm happy to report that less than 18 months after saying I intended to buy a property within two years to pursue this project, I have done so!
The first leg of this journey will begin on 30 acres in Tennessee which is a perfectly suited place for the "Academy" phase of the long term plan for independence.
Most of what's to come will be through Rumble/ Youtube (see comments), so please make sure you are following there! Although I will continue to post updates here.
And content may be a bit spotty... I'm not actually moving to Tennessee... in part because there's no house yet. That will begin this summer.
As you can see from the waterfall picture below, I am especially excited that hydro power will be available.
Make sure you are subscribed to see this vision come to life! And keep an eye out for more information soon...
thank you all for your support!
In Late October, I toured 14 properties all around the state of Tennessee.
The largest was 75 acres... but unfortunately was extremely steep in most parts, and the deal breaker was that you could hear the sound from the road throughout the whole property.
The smallest was 10 acres, and that just doesn't feel large enough for what I am trying to do to build a community.
But I did find a 30 acre property with a nice south facing hill and a stream at the bottom for under $150,000... and I made an offer which was accepted!
More info to come one the sale goes through. And please stay tuned for more videos! It's a busy time, but progress is being made!
Well it certainly seems like it's the perfect time to move into the woods and become self-sufficient.
Luckily I have 13 properties lined up to view in Tennessee next week, all over 10 acres and under $170,000. All between one and two hours to Nasheville International Airport.
9 are in counties which do not require building permits.
Very excited to be making progress on the dream. Stay tuned for more videos showing what the land looks like... and hopefully a big announcement when one is purchased.